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Everyday Extraordinary: Amber Pfeifer

5 July 2022

by Sophie Weiss

We sat down with Amber Pfeifer, an LA-based hairstylist with a unique personal style and perspective. 

Amber wears the CrossOver Bra in Runway

Honeylove: What do people share with you while they're in your chair?

Amber: People cry in my chair more often than you would think. It’s never about their hair — that probably happens later when they’re in their car or something  — it’s always personal, vulnerable stuff. I feel super connected to any person that feels comfortable enough to let themselves cry in my chair. Being vulnerable is scary; fear of vulnerability is probably one of the biggest barriers to connecting with other people. 

Honeylove: You have such intimate interactions with so many different people. What has that taught you?

Amber: Being a hairdresser is like taking a poll of humanity; I feel like an anthropologist. I like learning from everyone and seeing everyone’s commonalities. So much of what we suffer with on our own is shared by other people, and I wish more people knew how not alone they were. 

Amber wears the V-Neck Bra in Vamp and EverReady Pant in Charcoal

Honeylove: Tell us about your decision to give up alcohol. 

Amber: While I’ve never had an addiction issue with alcohol, I began to notice it was having a really negative impact on my mood and anxiety. I never wanted to feel that again, so I stopped. Living without alcohol feels like a superpower — it sort of forces you to get to a point where you feel comfortable in your skin at all times. When I feel anxiety or depression, I’m better equipped to pinpoint where it’s coming from since I know it’s never because of alcohol. To me, that’s comforting. 

Honeylove: You have amazing style. What's your secret?

Amber: When it comes to my style, I shop for pieces. Less fast fashion, more capsule wardrobe so you can always pull something easily and mix and match it. Honeylove has amazing quality, good coverage, and each piece is super versatile.

Amber wears the Cami Bodysuit in Vamp

Honeylove: As a hairdresser, I'm sure you've learned all the best tips and tricks. How do you apply those to your own hair?

Amber: To be honest, I put the least amount of effort into doing my own hair. After all, it's my job! Sometimes you need to give yourself a break. That said, I love my hair slicked back or in a sleek up-do. Because I do extensions, I’ll go back and forth with length. I like to be long and wavy in the summer and tend to go for a structured, polished bob in the winter. 


Sophie Weiss

Sophie Weiss is a writer and bra expert based in Los Angeles.


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Cami Bodysuit
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