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Letting go of control

October 19, 2020

As news headlines flash across our screens and the structure of our daily lives shifts dramatically on an almost monthly basis, it’s easy to feel frustrated. Maybe you had big plans, and they’ve been totally scrambled. Perhaps you’re finding it hard to find hope in the future.

We’re taught from a young age that we have a level of control over our lives — that if we put in certain inputs, we can reasonably expect certain outputs. And yet, the more life we live, the more that equation is cast in doubt. Whether it’s a global pandemic that restructures the world or a personal event that shakes us off course, the truth is we have far less control than we’ve been told. 

Most likely, this is not news to you. But it’s an easy truth to forget, especially when this lie is sold to us through the entertainment we watch, the ads we’re served, and the news we follow. 

The good news is, there’s nothing more freeing than realizing there’s a limit to what we can fix, prevent, or manipulate. We can control the way we treat others. We can control the way we react. We can control our thoughts and our actions. We can control our decisions (but not their outcomes). The rest is just a movie that we happen to be living in as we watch in real time. 

Do the things that are stressing you out fall outside of those categories? If so, ask yourself: how much control do I really have? And if the answer is none or very little, give yourself some grace, and let it go.

Embrace the art of surrender. 

Life is fluid; it’s impossible to hold. When we try, it seeps right through our hopeful hands, and we become depressed, anxious, and frustrated. If you want to feel peace, do not attempt to give your life a shape. Instead, surrender to the flow and trust that it will guide you where you’re meant to be.

We’re not saying ignore your responsibilities or give up on your hopes and dreams. Rather, identify what makes you feel vibrant and excited, and use that as your North Star. Then, take the necessary steps forward, and let the rest unfold. Instead of seeing challenges as “roadblocks,” try to view them as “reroutes.” Surrender is intention plus action minus expectations.

Get grounded.

When we focus our energy on things that are outside of our control, we spend a lot of time living in our minds. Grounding is a great way to get out of our heads and back into our bodies. One of the best ways to ground is to go outside and put your bare feet on the Earth. Mounting evidence suggests that the Earth’s negative ions can help physically stabilize our bodies. If that’s not available to you, simply observing natural shapes (trees, flowers, rivers) can help reset your nervous system. 

  • Spend 15 minutes walking through a forest 
  • Take your shoes off and place your feet on the Earth
  • Look out your window and observe nature
  • Fill your home with plants or beautiful photos of the outdoors
  • Take six deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth

Face your fear.

Fear is at the root of anxiety. While there’s no overnight fix, a guided meditation can do wonders for de-escalating a mild to moderate stress response. Here’s a great (free!) 15 minute meditation you can do from anywhere. Grab your headphones, close your eyes, and breathe. 



Allison Summey

Thank you for this wonderful post….It came at a time that I was about to jump off the ledge. Thank you for reminding me to control what I can, and the ability to let go of the others…


Thanks! Great post.

Cindy McLain

I needed to be reminded of this today. Now I understand how my niece at age 12 was so calm. She walked around our place bare foot all the time. I’m dealing with too much stuff in my head. I need to get outside and into my Body. I’m hurting so much

Lisa Riella

I needed to see this today! Thank you.


I just bought my first Honeylove product (Liftwear Tank). I’ve been working from home since March and only put on the bra to go grocery shopping. Ive grown to hate that thing. This Liftwear Tank is so comfy and on top of that, its flattering. I think I may never wear a bra again! I’m sitting here working and feeling so good and then I receive this email blog and I have just fallen in love with your company! Thank you!I really needed this!


Thank you! Love this❤️


Thank you! Love this❤️

Gwenneth Barlow

So lovely! The balloons reminded me of the movie Up and how fearless the grandfather was in that.


Make a desicion today to live with a grateful heart to God for protecting us during these difficult times, for provision and a sound mind. When we are grateful there is/ will be no place for complaining, doubt or fear. We don’t have to loose focus of who is still in control. The new normal should be: renewed heart who cares for people and is willing to help them, who loves God and family.

Tina Auclair

The Lord God, Creator of the universe and the Earth you speak of is ready, willing and supremely able to carry our burdens if we let Him. Thank you for these words that bless anyone willing to hear the freedom that comes with the truth of surrendering control.

Mary M Steele

While we might already know this info on a surface level, it helps to read it from another source and embrace it. Thank you for the reminders.

Brenda MOSS

Great read!!!

Brenda MOSS

Great read!!!


Thank you for the great reminder! My new favorite 7 powerful words: “Surrender is intention plus action minus expectations”


Thank you for sharing this is a wonderful message….it s has come when we need it the most!!

Jean PAinter

So glad I found this lovely meditation. Thank you ❤️

Jean PAinter

So glad I found this lovely meditation. Thank you ❤️

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